In Memory Of Doogie
My Darling, Doogie”
December 11, 1996 – July 18, 2008
You came into our lives one day, so unexpectedly,
And filled our hearts with love and joy, we never thought we’d see.
Those big brown eyes looked up at us, you gave us each a kiss.
It really was love at first sight, a love we truly miss.
Your paws would scratch upon the bed each morning just at six.
You’d wake me up to let me know, your breakfast I must fix.
We’d walk together down the hall, then turn your head around,
To check and see if I was there, without making a sound.
You’d lead us to the pantry door to ask us for a treat,
You had your ways of telling us that it was time to eat.
The mantle clock would chime five times then play a melody,
You knew that dinner was the meal that you were soon to see.
Ice cream, popcorn and pasta, mashed potatoes, a pretzel or two.
Which one could have been your favorite? No one ever really knew.
Weekend mornings were so special; Sunday meant scrambled eggs.
While standing by the stove to cook, you were jumping up on my legs.
We’d place a treat upon your nose; you’d sit up straight and stare.
When Daddy said, “OK”, that treat went flying in the air.
And as it dropped toward the ground, you grabbed it with your teeth.
For seldom did it ever fall down to the floor beneath.
If I would say that “W” word, you knew just what it meant.
I’d find you barking at the door and soon through it we went.
You loved to go outside for walks, all through the neighborhood.
And stopped to check out all the smells of everything you could.
The times you’d play were so much fun for Daddy and for me.
We loved to watch you run around; you were such a sight to see!
We’d watch you push ‘ole Buster, or chase your tennis ball,
Would you or Skipper be the first to chase it down the hall?
Your tail would wag; your ears would perk, when I’d walk through the door.
I’d hear that pitter patter of your feet across the floor.
Outside you’d pace across the deck and bark, and bark, and bark.
If you could have your way, you’d stay all day until its dark.
At half past nine, I’d to go to bed; you’d follow right behind.
You’d crawl into your bed by mine, to settle and unwind.
I’d check on you throughout the night, to make sure you were safe,
Then give you one more kiss goodnight upon your furry face.
Then came the day when you got sick, we hadn’t any clue.
The doctors told us what they found was not good news for you.
The love you’d brought into our lives was tearing us apart.
The thought of you not being here was breaking both our hearts.
We knew the time was coming when we’d have to let you go.
But making that decision . . . when was the time we’d know?
When thinking only of our pain and of our selfishness,
I really knew inside my heart to let you go was best.
You brought so much into our lives, your love we won’t forget.
You were our buddy from the start, right from the day we met.
The last eleven years with you were nothing but the best.
But now it’s time to let you go and lay you down to rest.
I wish I could have told you in a way you’d understand,
We wanted you to stay with us, this wasn’t what we planned.
I’m not quite sure you’ll ever know, how empty we now feel,
A part of us went with you, a part that time can’t heal.
Will we ever truly know the choice we made was right?
I ask myself that question each and every lonely night.
They say in time the hurt will pass, but not even for one minute,
Will our home, our hearts, or both our lives be the same without you in it.
Somewhere in heaven, Rainbow Bridge is where I know you’ll be.
I hope and pray there’ll come a day where you can be with me.
To feel you jump into my arms, and lick my face again,
Would bring the breath back to my life and help the sadness end.
Take care, my darling Doogie, in death I love you still.
Deep in my heart you hold a place no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway, and heartache make a lane,
I’d walk the path to heaven, and bring you back again.
You will be in my heart forever . . . I will always love you,
January 11, 2008