In Memory Of Skipper
“My Little Angel, Skipper”
June 16, 1997 – July 31, 2008
You were my little angel right from the very start.
The minute that I saw you, I knew you stole my heart.
You cuddled close against me as I held you in my arms,
Knowing that we’d love you, keep you safe, secure, and warm.
Your eyes had so much love to give; I knew you were the one.
You’d give us so much pleasure and twice as much the fun.
Little did we know back then how you’d affect our lives.
The love that grew between us all will never, ever die.
We took you home that afternoon, and Doogie was amazed.
He welcomed you into his home in many different ways.
He checked you out, he wagged his tail, and then his ears perked up.
He knew he’d found a lifelong friend in you, this tiny pup.
The two of you would race around the yard uphill and down.
Sometimes it looked as if your feet had somehow left the ground.
The figure eights you both would run till someone tired out,
And then you run a little more but by a different route.
At first, your leash was not something you really liked a lot.
But try, and try, and try, again, you soon no longer fought.
Before too long that fun word, “walk” was one you loved to hear.
You’d meet me in the kitchen, then towards the door you’d near.
Oh, how you loved to go outside and lie out in the sun.
But if you saw a rabbit, down the deck steps you would run.
You’d gaze into the common ground and watch the birds fly by.
You were a sight, and so much fun, my playful little guy.
There always were those special treats that you’d look forward to.
A trip to Silky for ice cream was number one for you.
You each would get a spoonful from Daddy, then from me.
Then sit and wait so patiently for more right by my knee.
You were my little shy one who’d back off from the unknown.
You’d try to stay close by me, to feel brave yet not alone.
You’d attempt to show your braveness with your bark at the doorbell,
Then head into the living room where all was safe and well.
When I would go to sleep at night, you’d follow me to bed.
And for a while, lie on the quilt and rest your weary head.
You’d wait until my eyes had closed, and I had gone to sleep,
Then quietly go out the door without making a peep.
Your heart had so much love to give, your loyalty so true.
Then came the day when we found out we soon would lose you, too.
I hoped and prayed the surgery would help you my dear Skipper
But after weeks of healing, I could still hear your soft whimper.
I knew that you were hurting and I must do all I could,
To help you feel more comfortable and out of pain for good.
My heart was breaking once again, the thought of losing you.
In thirteen days we will have lost not only one, but two.
My little angel, Skipper, I love you oh so much!
No longer can I hold you and feel your loving touch.
Those big brown eyes that looked at me in such a loving way,
Are there no more to look at me when I wake up each day.
I wish I could have told you in a way you’d understand,
We wanted you to stay with us, this wasn’t what we planned.
I’m not quite sure you’ll ever know, how empty we now feel,
A part of us went with you, a part that time can’t heal.
Somewhere in heaven, Rainbow Bridge is where I know you’ll be.
I hope and pray there’ll come a day where you can be with me.
To feel you jump into my arms, and lick my face again,
Would bring the breath back to my life and help the sadness end.
Take care my angel, Skipper, in death I love you still.
Deep in my heart you hold a place no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway, and heartache make a lane,
I’d walk the path to heaven, and bring you back again.
You will be in my heart forever . . . I will always love you,
August 10, 2008